Friday 15 August 2014

Reflexology Dubai- how can it help us?

Reflexology is becoming popular in Europe and Asia equally as a preventive measure and a complimentary treatment to medical procedures. For example in Denmark only the municipalities employed reflexologists to heal their people.

How it can help you?

According to a study 90% of people say they are humbled with the sense of relaxation in their first session. Their body is energized and they feel a rejuvenated mind and soul.  Some patients with chronic pain and PMS feel 50% reduction in pain and anxiety. This study has encouraged researchers to find more benefits of reflexology Dubai. Here I am sharing few of the great experience people shared with me.

Jenna is a working woman with three kids and she started taking reflexology sessions 14 years back to deal with her day to day work and life stress. She added, I always look for ways that could contribute in alleviating my work stress and help me keep a healthy balance in life and work. And then I found reflexology center, my first session of 1-1/2 hour gave me heavenly feeling. I was feeling so relaxed and energized. The session takes me in to meditation state and I feel like a completely new soul. Now I take Reflexology Dubai sessions once a month.

Although, there are no prove found authenticating its medicinal value but it is an ancient art of healing and people are being healed since ages.   Jenna is not alone as there are millions who are taking benefit of this healing therapy.
If you are a person suffering from any anxiety, chronic pain, stress, back pain or headache you can take a session of reflexology and can feel its healing magic working within you. Patients suffering from cancer also feel relaxed after chemotherapy and showed hope for many others suffering with non-curable diseases. 


General health and reflexology

Reflexology Dubai can improve your general health as it provides preventive measure to human body. Taking regular sessions strengthen your immune system by increasing lymph and blood circulation in muscles. For reflexology Dubai session there is no age bar so everyone at every age level can enjoy great benefits of this technique.

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